70mm spur gear motor wholesale Variable gear principle and value coefficient

70mm spur gear motor wholesale https://www.dydzmotor.com/spur-gearbox

70mm spur gear principle When the rack type prop is rolling the cutting gear wheel, when the reference line of the rack knife is tangent to the index circle of the gear blank, the cut out gear is the standard gear; When the reference line of the rack knife is not tangent to the index circle of the wheel blank, the gear cut out is a variable gear. The distance between the reference line of the tool and the index circle of the wheel blank is called the displacement amount, expressed by xm, and X is called the displacement coefficient. When the tool leaves the center of the blank, X takes a positive value (called positive displacement), and vice versa X takes a negative value (called negative displacement). For helical gear, the relationship between the displacement coefficient of the end face and the normal displacement coefficient is X1=XN.

After the gear is modified, its tooth shape belongs to the same involute line as the standard gear, but its application section is different. Using this feature, by selecting the displacement coefficient X, a favorable involute section can be obtained, and the transmission performance of the gear can be improved. The application of modified gear can avoid root cutting, improve the contact strength of tooth surface and the bending strength of tooth root. Improve the anti-bonding ability and wear resistance of the tooth surface. In addition, the variable gear can be used to match the center distance.

70mm spur gear motor wholesale https://www.dydzmotor.com/spur-gearbox


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